
On arrival, the team must be checked in and the boxers weighed in.

Check in
Takes place in the secretariat’s check-in area and is reserved for the team leaders (boxers no entry).
Note that the secretariat has moved to the 1st floor.
-Find the Club/team folder.
– Check that all weight cards and diplomas are in the folder for the registered boxers.
-Go to the Check in table.
– The boxes’ weight cards must be stamped, as documentation for payment.
If accommodation has been booked in the venue.
-Go to desk for accommodation.
-A stamped receipt with the number of persons is presented.
– The team will be assigned a sleeping place at the venue.

Weighing in.
Once the team is checked in and weight cards are stamped, boxers can be weighed.
Weigh-in is on the ground floor.
The weight can be checked on a scale set up for the purpose (not in the weighing area)
Each boxer must bring his/her stamped weight card to the weigh-in.
There is a separate weigh-in for men and women.

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